Last Updated on: August 28, 2024

Please read these Terms and Conditions carefully before making a purchase from Lead with Julie Tran LLC. By proceeding with your purchase, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to the following terms.

1) Coach-Client Relationship

By purchasing our coaching services, you enter into a coaching relationship with Lead with Julie Tran LLC. You understand and agree that our coaching is designed to help you maximize your personal and professional potential. We engage in direct and personal conversations, and we encourage you to communicate openly, honestly, and to be fully engaged in the coaching process.

2) Services

Our coaching services are conducted through Zoom. You can reach us by e-mail, text, and voicemail between Monday - Thursdays 11 AM - 5 PM PT, subject to change with advanced notice to client.

3) Accomplishment Roadmap

When you purchase our coaching services, you agree to:

a) Be 100% committed to making your marriage work during the time we work together.

b) Embrace our coaching framework of taking 100% ownership of your communication and being willing to change, rather than directing blame at your partner.

c) Attend all group coaching calls on time, in a private and quiet space, and refrain from multitasking during calls.

d) Watch assigned weekly pre-recorded lessons well in advance to our live sessions and complete the assigned practices.

e) Be authentic, honest, and speak up for what you want.

f) Inform us about any personal situations that may interfere with your experience in the program.

g) Take responsibility for your own results, including proactively seeking support, practicing self-care, doing the integration work, and scheduling coaching calls.

h) Be patient with yourself, as change doesn’t happen overnight, and not everything in your relationship needs to be fixed right away. Enjoy the journey!

i) Celebrate your wins, shifts, and achievements throughout the program.

j) Be coachable.

k) Be willing to be held accountable.

l) Take 15-30 minutes after our sessions to reflect or journal.

4) Confidentiality

We respect the confidentiality of our coaching conversations and commit to holding it to the highest level of trust. If you choose to provide a public testimonial, you consent to the use of your testimonial, name, and photograph (that you've approved) for publication in various mediums, including but not limited to social media, the internet, and print media, for purposes such as marketing, public relations, education, and research. Occasionally, we may re-arrange sentences and words in your testimonial for marketing conciseness. However, we will always strive to keep the essence of your testimonial in high integrity with what you provide originally.

We may record coaching Zoom calls with artificial intelligence note-taking technology for internal purposes only. If you wish to stop recording part of the session or any of the sessions, please make this request during the call or via email at

We may occasionally share takeaways and celebrations from coaching conversations on social media or websites for marketing. These posts or DM screenshots will be completely anonymous, unless explicitly approved for disclosure to you.

You agree to keep all conversations inside of the group container private and do not record Q/A session or distribute pre-corded modules. 

Screenshots to share on social media are welcomed and permissible with all attendees consent.

5) Cancellation Policy


6) Termination

Either you or Lead with Julie Tran LLC may terminate the coaching relationship at any time with a 3-week written notice. If you proceed with a divorce, the agreement may be terminated accordingly.

7) Limited Liability

We make no guarantees, representations, or warranties of any kind with respect to our coaching services. In no event shall our liability exceed the amount actually paid by you for our coaching services.

8) Final Sale and Credit Card Disputes

Lead with Julie Tran LLC operates with a strict no refund policy. Once a coaching package has been purchased, there will be no refunds provided for any reason. This policy is in place to ensure that our clients are fully aware of the commitment involved in the coaching process.

All program sales are final, non-refundable, and non-transferrable. In the event of a credit card dispute, these Terms and Conditions serve as evidence of our no refund policy.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, you will have the opportunity to terminate this agreement within one month from the orientation call with full refund minus credit card transaction fees. To cancel and request a refund you must email 

9) Acknowledgment of Voluntary Agreement

By proceeding with your purchase, you affirm that you have entered into this coaching Agreement voluntarily, without coercion, undue influence, or duress. You declare that you are of sound mental state and have made this decision in your best interest and alignment with your goals.

10) Entire Agreement

This document reflects the entire agreement between the Coach and the Client, supersedes all prior written and oral representations, and may not be amended, altered, or supplemented except in writing signed by both the Coach and the Client.

11) Severability

If any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason, the remaining provisions shall continue to be valid and enforceable.

12) Waiver

The failure of either party to enforce any provision of this Agreement shall not be construed as a waiver or limitation of that party's right to subsequently enforce and compel strict compliance with every provision of this Agreement.

13) Binding Effect

This Agreement shall be binding upon the parties hereto and their respective successors and permissible assigns.

By proceeding with your purchase, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to these Terms and Conditions. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at

Terms and Conditions

Lead with Julie Tran Coaching
