secure my spot


secure my spot

3-daY Mini course, August 26-28

Learn my signature BEAUTIFUL BOUNDARIES ROADMAP to set EMPOWERED and LOVING boundaries so that you are supported in your MARRIAGE, allowing you to grow your IMPACT & INCOME exponentially.

What if you could

I'm ready to soar

We all know that a supportive marriage with healthy boundaries can be the wind beneath your wings in business. But without that, your marriage can feel like chains holding you back from your dreams.

God gave you a bold vision to make a big IMPACT and massive INCOME. Let's make your marriage the wind beneath your wings so you can achieve your dreams and  SOAR.

Easily communicate your boundaries in a way that INSPIRES your husband's 'YES'.

Hey Heart-Led Entrepreneur, Coach, or Healer

august 26-28 at 4PM PT


Day 2

Permission to See

Day 3

Permission to Ask

Permission to Feel


The BEAUTIFUL BOUNDARIES ROADMAP isn't fluff. These aren't dry tools you'll put in the drawer. This is a balanced, heart-centered, and practical step-by-step communication framework that will empower you to set loving boundaries and bring harmony back to your marriage.

Learn my powerful BEAUTIFUL BOUNDARIES ROADMAP. We meet on Zoom on Aug 26-28 at 4PM PT each day for 60-90 mins.

What you will learn

Express your feelings with care.

Learn how to share your authentic feelings responsibly so you don't come across as nagging and trigger your husband to get defensive. With safety, your husband will want to listen!

Create safety for your husband.

Learn to soften judgments you may have so you can see your husband from a new perspective without condoning any unsupportive behaviors.

Effectively ask for what you want.

Learn how to make loving and powerful requests in a way that inspires your husband's "YES". Boundaries? Behavior change? Support? Spicy date night? ANYTHING is possible!

secure my spot







Julie is genius, courageous, and committed to beautiful, supportive, loving relations where everyone wins. Her approach is very woman-centered, empowerment-focused and guides the woman to be in the driver’s seat of her life, first, and to empower and create safe space for the partner second. I resisted this approach at first because I was expecting the man to be the one to support me not the other way around. What I learned is that my husband was there all along. This is about seeing things differently and it works. 


Julie's guidance gave me and my husband the deeper connection we were seeking. She helped me step into my role as a leader in our marriage, where I can support my husband in leading our family.  I'm super thankful to Julie for her help! If you're on the fence about joining her program, I highly recommend it. Her guidance can help take your relationship to the next level!


I was a burnt-out, high-achieving professional and felt like I was failing my family. Since then, our relationship has become more loving and compassionate. We've been able to be more open and express our deep feelings in the moment, rather than waiting months after something happened. I'm now able to enjoy everyday life with my family and recognize the beautiful moments we have together. Additionally, I can clearly see the positive changes in my children, which is a reflection of the changes in me.


Kind words

Unresolved arguments immediately cost you money in your business.

Let's be real

Your husband gets defensive when you ask for what you need, and it spirals into an argument.

You feel confused. You have tried to express your needs more kindly and firmly, but nothing seems to work.

You play small, making less impact and income in your business!

Your inspiration dries, so you don't write the post, create that reel, or go live as you promised.

You procrastinate on launching your course that you know will change lives.

Building/growing your community feels like you are pushing a boulder uphill.

Or you do show up, but your energy feels forced. You are frustrated that you are not attracting your dream clients.

Tell me if this sounds just like you...

lets close the gap

"Maybe it's time to get a divorce," or "If you're going to stay, just suck it up and be grateful for what you have."

Umm, no. Neither of those options is good enough for passionate, heart-led entrepreneurs like you. You have high standards.

Fuck the slogans. No more fluff.  My BEAUTIFUL BOUNDARIES ROADMAP is a practical, heart-centered approach that WORKS.

secure my spot

They say, "Just set boundaries". But no one actually teaches you HOW, effectively.

Hey Love,

In this three-day boot camp, I will demystify boundaries for you. You will see EXACTLY HOW you have been ATTRACTING your husband's NO. Then, I will empower you to set loving and powerful boundaries that INSPIRE his YES with my Beautiful Boundaries Roadmap.

The problem isn't that your boundaries are too much. They are beautiful. The problem is HOW you communicate it.

No one is saying this so I will

Your business soars when your marriage is thriving. Your marriage has the highest ROI above any business strategy.

This is what's possible

Feeling mutually understood and supported by each other.

Reconnecting to the empathy and connection you used to have (or even better).

Resolve disagreements quickly, freeing up more time and energy to pour into your business.

You open up your creative channels and show up shining bright.

You vibrate higher and attract your ideal clients. 

You play bigger - launch the course, build/grow your community, write that book, speak on more stages, and make more IMPACT + INCOME!

sign me up!


here is what you will learn

How to express your feelings with care

You no longer need to swallow your feelings, or erupt in anger (and regret it later!). Learn how to be vulnerable, responsibly, and feel confident in sharing your authentic truth. Trust me, your throat chakra will thank you.

the beautiful boundaries boot-camp

You will learn my MY BEAUTIFUL BOUNDARIES ROADMAP the exact 3-step framework I used to effectively set boundaries with my husband and feel deeply supported at home so that I could exponentially grow my impact and income.

How to see him with an open heart again

When your husband gets defensive, it is a cover for not feeling safe. You will learn the powerful skill of creating genuine emotional safety for your partner, which will allow him to open his heart and want to understand your point of view.

How to effectively ask for what you want

This is the GOLD. You will raise your self-awareness, soften how you communicate your boundaries, and learn how to INSPIRE his wholehearted YES.

How to translate these skills into your business

It's a fact that learning how to set boundaries elevates your people skills. You will be able to transfer everything you learn directly to your business relationships, amplifying your impact and income.

secure my spot

my committment to you

This is 3-day bootcamp is dedicated entirely to helping you set EMPOWERED and LOVING BOUNDARIES. Feel supported in your marriage, so that you can exponentially grow your IMPACT and INCOME in business.

Let's see if you are a good fit

This is for you if:

You are ready to be empowered to set boundaries in your marriage.

You desire to feel understood, loved, and supported consistently.

You are ready to raise the standard in your marriage.

You don't have time to walk around on eggshells in your own home.

You are excited to free up your time and energy towards your business.

You have a big vision to make a impact and massive income.

You are ready to take ownership of how you communicate.

You are a heart-led woman entrepreneur, coach, or healer.

secure my spot


secure my spot

about julie

I'm a marriage coach who helps heart-led women entrepreneurs, coaches, and healers master communication with their HUSBANDS so that they can exponentially grow their IMPACT and INCOME in their business.

Before I was a marriage coach, I worked in corporate as an executive in the investment world. I realized my soul's purpose was to help women revitalize their marriage after I saved my marriage. We went from being on the brink of divorce to being totally obsessed with each other, even after 16 years together. As a certified NLP coach, I have deconstructed my process into my signature framework: The INSPIRE Him Method. I have coached many women who have completely transformed their marriages; some of them even became thriving business partners with their husbands! 


I feel so proud of myself! Last night, I asked my husband to get me a bowl of ice cream, and I didn't appreciate the way he responded.  Instead of shoving it under the rug, I addressed directly and lovingly - and he received it! I felt heard. I usually wouldn’t say anything because I just want to keep the peace. But then I would harbor a ton of resentment and lash out at him for something else later. Now I feel different. I can address things that bother me in the moment, set boundaries, but and still speak with love. I feel so in my power!


I’m really so impressed by both me and my husband on how we’re able to move through things with so much ease and love now. Yeah it genuinely feels like I took some sort of like happy juice and I went into a different dimension. It’s like I’m in an alternate reality where I went to sleep and woke up and quantum leaped. It’s amazing. 


Julie, thank you so much for holding me through this process. It hasn’t been easy. I have truly been transformed, like still the same person but stepping into the light of a new chapter of my life. I'll always remember this experience. I LOVE YOU! 


Kind words


VIP Access to Me

secure my spot

Personalized support on what's app to help you troubleshoot and go deeper during the boot camp and for two days after.

45-minute coaching call with Julie (redeemable within two weeks of boot camp).


Want more personal support to become a Boundaries Queen? I got you.


If you are in a committed relationship and identify as a woman, you are ABSOLUTELY welcome to join the course. Please note that I mainly refer to "marriage" and "husband" because that is my lived experience. By joining the course, you will want to mentally replace those identifiers with what you are comfortable with.

Yes, as long as you are committed to making your marriage work. The boot camp can get you on a more positive trajectory in your marriage. However, to manage expectations, the scope of this three day course is limited and alone cannot turn your marriage around. On day three, I will offer a 12-week immersive program that will be a powerful next step to transforming your marriage.

1-1.5 hours each day for the course and home play (5-15 minutes). 

Replays will be sent out each evening of the course!