secure my spot

Beta round investment $1,750 (WORTH $5,000)

secure my spot

4 Month transformational JOURNEY

Build a legacy of IMPACT and INCOME on a strong foundation of support and love at home.

What if you could

I'm ready to soar

We all know that a supportive marriage can be the wind beneath your wings in business. But without that, your marriage can feel like chains holding you back from your dreams.

When you don't truly trust your husband to lead, you feel resentment. Your marriage weighs you down instead of lifting you higher.

God gave you a bold vision to make a big IMPACT and massive INCOME. Let's make your marriage the wind beneath your wings so you can achieve your dreams and  SOAR.

INSPIRE your husband to LEAD, so you can do less, relax more, and build a legacy of IMPACT and INCOME on a foundation of support and love at home.

Hey Heart-Led Entrepreneur, Coach, or Healer

What you will learn

The INSPIRE Him Method

Learn my EXACT framework - a combination of deep healing and ninja communication techniques to help you resolve any conflict with ease. Yes, ninja skills are a must to navigate delicate conversations that we typically avoid!

Freedom From Your Triggers

Does your husband trigger you?  You're not alone! God designed marriage that way. You will learn how to transmute your triggers into wisdom, respond instead of react, and bring harmony back to your marriage.

Cultivate Emotional Intimacy

Learn to create a culture of mutual respect, emotional intimacy, and rooting for each other, even if you disagree. These foundational skills allow you to be best friends and lovers who can't get their hands off each other on date night!

secure my spot

Julie is genius, courageous, and committed to beautiful, supportive, loving relations where everyone wins. Her approach is very woman-centered, empowerment-focused and guides the woman to be in the driver’s seat of her life, first, and to empower and create safe space for the partner second. I resisted this approach at first because I was expecting the man to be the one to support me not the other way around. What I learned is that my husband was there all along. This is about seeing things differently and it works. 


Julie's guidance gave me and my husband the deeper connection we were seeking. She helped me step into my role as a leader in our marriage, where I can support my husband in leading our family.  I'm super thankful to Julie for her help! If you're on the fence about joining her program, I highly recommend it. Her guidance can help take your relationship to the next level!


I was a burnt-out, high-achieving professional and felt like I was failing my family. Since then, our relationship has become more loving and compassionate. We've been able to be more open and express our deep feelings in the moment, rather than waiting months after something happened. I'm now able to enjoy everyday life with my family and recognize the beautiful moments we have together. Additionally, I can clearly see the positive changes in my children, which is a reflection of the changes in me.


Kind words

Not feeling loved and supported at home costs you money

Let's be real

You love your husband, and he has many amazing qualities. But you just don't trust him to truly lead or follow through.

When you ask your husband for the support you need, he often gets defensive so you handle it yourself and hang on to resentment.

You play small, making less impact and income in your business!

The resentment weighs on you. Your inspiration dries, so you don't write the post, create that reel, or go live as you promised.

You procrastinate on launching your course that you know will change lives.

Scaling your business feels like you are pushing a boulder uphill.

Or you do show up, but your energy feels forced. You are frustrated that you are not attracting your dream clients.

Tell me if this sounds just like you...

You have been on a powerful growth journey, but your husband isn't growing at the same pace (or at all).

You are tired of the mental load of being the leader at work AND home.

lets close the gap

You have done the deep work to change your beliefs, emotions, and actions.  Not only do you feel alive like never before, you also have business results to show that your way WORKS. With best intentions, you have tried to encourage your husband to change, but he's just not into it. You grow more frustrated and disconnected from him with each passing day. What are you missing? 

Here's the deal, Love: Your husband doesn't want you to change him. He wants you to INSPIRE Him to rise into the leader he is capable of being so that you feel loved and supported - the way you deserve.  Truly, nothing would make him happier.

My INSPIRE Him Method is your roadmap to INSPIRING your husband to lead and bring love, support, and sexy date nights back into your marriage!

secure my spot

The powerful skills that give you business success can harm your marriage.

Hey Love,

Women are the most powerful and magical creatures on this planet because you have a God-given gift to INSPIRE the best in people, especially your husband. Not by changing him but by transforming yourself into HER - the unstoppable version of you who consistently leads with an open heart, integrity, courage, compassion, and pleasure. 

You don't have the power to change your husband. But you do have the power to INSPIRE him to be the best of who God created him to be.

No one is saying this so I will

Your business soars when your marriage is thriving. Your marriage has the highest ROI above any business strategy.

Imagine, inspiring your husband to

Become more self-aware and consistently take responsibility for his actions.

secure my spot

Honor your boundaries and hold space for your perspective and feelings with care.

Follow through on his promises consistently.

Be a more amazing husband and father who wants to proactively contributes.

Consistently embody integrity, leadership, and patience - values that make you proud as a wife.

Value your feedback instead of getting defensive.

That would allow you to

Resolve disagreements quickly, freeing up more time and energy to pour into your business.

Open up your creative channels so you can show up aligned and shining bright.

Play bigger - launch the course, scale your community, write that book, speak on more stages, and make more IMPACT + INCOME!

Vibrate higher and attract your ideal clients. 

Genuinely have the best time together on date nights (that he plans!).

Work together as a TEAM on home projects, finances, parenting, business - anything.

Trust his leadership and ability to follow through, allowing you to do less and relax more.

Effortlessly pour your love into him the way you always wanted to.

Re-ignite your desire for more physical intimacy.

secure my spot


here is what you will learn

How to set loving boundaries

They say, "Just set boundaries," but they don't teach you how - at least in a way that INSPIRES your husband to say yes. In this course, you will learn how set boundaries that are loving and empowering for both you and your husband.

The inspire him Immersion

During our four months together, you will immerse yourself in my INSPIRE Him Method, the exact framework I used and taught my many clients to become HER - the unstoppable version of you who leads with an open heart, integrity, courage, compassion, and pleasure. You effortlessly call up your husband, so you can build a legacy of impact and income on a foundation of love, support, and emotional intimacy at home. 

How to cultivate emotional intimacy

Learn to create a culture of mutual respect and intimacy , even if you disagree. These skills allow you to be best friends and lovers who can't get their hands off each other on date night, even if you've been married for decades!

How to heal your triggers

Does our husband trigger you? You're not alone! God designed marriage that way. You will learn to transmute your triggers into wisdom, respond instead of react, and bring harmony back to your marriage.

How to have hard conversations with ease

My powerful communication techniques help you make hard conversations easy and take minutes (instead of hours). Consider these stealth NINJA skills that help you navigate ANYTHING!

secure my spot

How to be a unified team

You will learn to think, act, and speak in terms of "us" consciousness instead of me versus you, even if your husband is not doing the work with you. Get ready for "Together, we can conquer ANYTHING" vibes!

How to translate these skills into your business

It's a fact that learning how to INSPIRE elevates your people skills. You will be able to transfer everything you learn directly to your business relationships, amplifying your impact and income.

my committment to you

This 4-month transformational journey is devoted to unleashing your magic to INSPIRE your husband to lead. Feel deeply loved and supported so you can exponentially grow your IMPACT and INCOME in business.

Let's see if you are a good fit

Does leaving behind this legacy excite you?

Your heart-led business generates massive impact & income (if you choose), while you enjoy time, money, & location freedom, leading from your feminine energy.

Your children (or future children) have a high standard of what healthy love looks like, modeled by you and your husband, and accept nothing less for their future.

A marriage where you never stop giggling, playing, and dancing together, even when you are the oldest couple on the dance floor!

A marriage where you feel cherished every day and smile with delight whenever your partner walks into the room.

Embodying HER - the unstoppable version of you who leads with an open heart, integrity, courage, compassion, and pleasure. A woman who effortlessly INSPIRES the BEST from people, especially your husband.

secure my spot

If so, this is for you if:

You are inspired by long-term legacy vs. short-term wins.

You desire to feel understood, loved, and supported consistently.

You are ready to raise the standard in your marriage.

Your time is too valuable to walk on eggshells in your own home.

You are excited to free up your time and energy towards your business.

You have a big vision to make a impact and massive income.

You are ready to take ownership of how you communicate.

You are not settling functional roommates vibes - you are here for the passion!

secure my spot


Get ready! This 7-day challenge is a game changer! We start right before the Beautiful Boundaries Boot Camp to prime you for the best results. Get ready to shift your FREQUENCY to:

Your purchase includes the 7-Day Happy-Spouse Happy-House Challenge (early bird only)

secure my spot





secure my spot

about julie

I'm a marriage coach who helps heart-led women entrepreneurs, INSPIRE their HUSBANDS to lead, so that they can build a legacy of IMPACT and INCOME on a foundation of love and support at home.

Before I was a marriage coach, I worked in corporate as an executive in the investment world. I realized my soul's purpose was to help women revitalize their marriage after I saved my marriage. We went from being on the brink of divorce to being totally obsessed with each other, even after 16 years together. As a certified NLP coach, I have deconstructed my process into my signature framework: The INSPIRE Him Method. I have coached many women who have completely transformed their marriages; some of them even became thriving business partners with their husbands! 


INSPIRE Him Immersion
Course Details


Get to the root of resentments by learning to repair with my powerful 4-step Radical Responsibility Framework. You will learn how to say sorry the right way. This process empowers you and your husband while rebuilding trust. You can ditch shame and guilt forever!


Phase 1

Why just saying "I'm sorry" doesn't cut it.

My four step Radial Responsibility framework.

How to INSPIRE your husband to take responsibility.

How to ditch shame and guilt and create a new path forward.


This phase is focused on understanding your triggers, where they originally came from, healing, and transmuting them into wisdom so that you can respond consciously instead of reacting. 


phase 2

Release anxiety with EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique).

Come back to wholeness by learning to love all parts of you. 

Release trapped anger with a special Sacred Rage Ritual.

How to nurture and reparent yourself.

ninja communication

The truth is that creating a culture of teamwork, best friendship, and lovership, requires skill - stealth ninja communication skills that is. In this phase, you will learn how to easily navigate delicate conversations like a ninja. You know, the ones you are currently avoiding!


phase 3

How to release baggage from the past, moment to moment.

How to purify the energetic tone behind your words.

How to release harmful patterns that attract conflict.

Resolve conflict with ease while deepening love, understanding, and team consciousness.


This phase is about bringing it together and mastering all the powerful skills you learned—no new lessons. I want you focused on practice, practice, and more practice so that you can EMBODY HER. Our live calls will be focused on refining your skills as you deepen your practice.


phase 4



I feel so proud of myself! Last night, I asked my husband to get me a bowl of ice cream, and I didn't appreciate the way he responded.  Instead of shoving it under the rug, I addressed directly and lovingly - and he received it! I felt heard. I usually wouldn’t say anything because I just want to keep the peace. But then I would harbor a ton of resentment and lash out at him for something else later. Now I feel different. I can address things that bother me in the moment, set boundaries, but and still speak with love. I feel so in my power!


I’m really so impressed by both me and my husband on how we’re able to move through things with so much ease and love now. Yeah it genuinely feels like I took some sort of like happy juice and I went into a different dimension. It’s like I’m in an alternate reality where I went to sleep and woke up and quantum leaped. It’s amazing. 


Julie, thank you so much for holding me through this process. It hasn’t been easy. I have truly been transformed, like still the same person but stepping into the light of a new chapter of my life. I'll always remember this experience. I LOVE YOU! 


Kind words

upgrade OPTIONS!


secure my spot

Three 60-minute deep healing sessions with Julie. 

Use anytime during the course.


While not necessary, this is highly recommended to heal triggers with deeper wounds. 

($111 Savings)


Money Back Guarantee

secure my spot

If you are doing the work and practicing the assignments, but are not satisfied with your results during the course, you can receive a full refund less credit card charges.


This course is designed for you to unleash your power and magic. You can create change without needing your husband to do the work. Yes, you are that powerful, Queen! He will naturally respond differently, i.e., become more receptive and magnetized to the woman you will become. 

If you are in a committed relationship and identify as a woman, you are ABSOLUTELY welcome to join the course. Please note that I mainly refer to "marriage" and "husband" because that is my lived experience. By joining the course, you will want to mentally replace those identifiers with what you are comfortable with.

Absolutely, as long as you are committed to making your marriage work. I have taken women from being on the brink of divorce to transforming their marriage and even becoming business partners with their husbands with this exact framework within four months. Check out more of their testimonials HERE However, if you have been in an extended hard season and carrying years/decades of resentment, I highly recommend purchasing the INSPIRE Him Expander upgrade so that I can support you with deeper healing. We can and will transmute your resentment into clarity and FREEDOM!

Yes absolutely (see above). However, this course will only work if you go "all in". If you are not sure that you can do that, I recommend going all in for at least for the next six months and then re-evaluate. 

That's fantastic! You have clearly done a tremendous amount of inner work, and I celebrate you big, sister! This course is transformative as long as you have a desire to expand to the next level. If you gave yourself permission to dream big, what does an EPIC marriage look like to you? What if EVERYDAY felt like MAGIC together? That is what the course can help with. Feel free to book a call with me to discover what you desire and whether the course is right for you.

Book 15 min call

If you are doing the work and practicing the assignments, but are not satisfied with your results during the course, you can receive a full refund less credit card charges.

Yes! I offer limited spots for $500 AMBASSADOR scholarship. Your total investment could be as low as $1,000 if you purchase during the presale (versus $2,000 less $500 presale savings). DM me at @leadwithjulietran to learn more and apply!

I totally get it! I designed this course to fit in your busy life, not the other way around. There will be weekly pre-recorded modules that are 30 minutes long and 1 hour weekly Q&A sessions. Replays will be available if you miss. You can also submit questions in advance of the Q&A calls or in our community chat. Aside from the course, I recommend around 15 minutes per day of journal reflection.

Yes, weekly Q&A replays will be sent out each evening of the Q&A!

This is a continuous enrollment program. When you join, the modules are pre-recorded. Q&A/Coaching are generally Thursdays at 3:30 PM - 4:40 PM PT (holiday weeks off). 

I got you! Book a 15-minute call with me and will address any question or concern you have.

Book 15 min call